The first order of business was to swear in all elected candidates. After this was completed, Chairman Gehri explained to the audience that he recently moved out of the area and resigned his post. Motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Clerk Butterfield to appoint Supervisor Paulsen to complete his term as chairman. Motion carried. The town thanked Bob Gehri for his years of service.
Chairman Paulsen then called the meeting to order at 6:44 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call showed 11 residents in attendance in addition to the board. No changes to the agenda so it was adopted as given.
March 2021 minutes were read with motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Chairman Paulsen to accept as given. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report given with motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Chairman Paulsen to accept it as given. Motion carried.
Recycling/garbage report showed that in March we had 19.83 tons of garbage and 12.03 tons of recyclables which was up considerably from past months.
There were no fire signs or building permits in the month of March.
Discussed a variance from Carol Twomey to put an additional camper on her property at W8469 Holmes Jct Rd from May 1st through Nov 30 when not using the camper offsite. She has 18.4 acres of property and has discussed with the neighbors who are not opposed to the additional camper. Fees were included with the variance request. Motion by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Chairman Paulsen to allow the variance. Motion carried and variance approved.
Discussed a variance from Polly Bablitch regarding minimum acreage. The lot is 1.386 acres vs. minimum of 2.5. After review of the board, motion by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Chairman Paulsen to allow the variance. Motion carried and variance approved.
Discussion of ongoing road improvement projects is that the crew was completing maintenance on the equipment; sweeping and grading roads and 3 culverts will need to be replaced on Fire Lane. We are also looking for an additional part time worker. An ad will be posted in the paper and on the website.
Correspondence was that a couple of CD’s were due. Motion by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Chairman Paulsen that those CD’s be rolled over at this time. Motion carried.
Under public comments, town road weight limits are now off. The town is also looking for a grant writer as there are funds out there that we’d like to tap into.
Anyone interested in the Supervisor 2 position that opened tonight, please contact the clerk so that we can appoint the person to complete the term.
Date and time for next meeting is May 11, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Chairman Paulsen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.