
Board Meeting Minutes

July 13, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Motion by Chairman Younglove to install Dave Paulsen as supervisor 2, seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Roll call showed full board attendance along with 7 residents.  Motion by Supervisor Groy to adopt agenda, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen.  Motion carried.      

June 2021 minutes were read with motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Chairman Younglove to accept as read.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s report given with motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen to accept it as given.  Motion carried. 

Recycling/garbage report showed that in June we had 21.1 tons of garbage and 4.41 tons of recyclables.  Numbers were in for clean up day.  In 2020 the town paid GAD $1530.10, ad in the Peshtigo Times was $63.20 and personnel working were paid $150 for a total of $1743.30.  In 2021 the town paid GAD $511, the clerk for being onsite at the transfer station $213.13 and the Peshtigo Times ad $179.30 for a total of $903.43 which was a considerable savings.  Chairman Younglove stated to the audience if there were concerns doing it the new way to please let us know. 

Report on building permits/fire signs were that there were 3 building permits issued; Marek Road for a 28x46 garage, Wildtree Drive for a 22x32 garage and US 141 for a 24x60x11 storage unit.  2 fire signs were issued to the Marek Road property and the Wildtree Drive Property. 

Board of Review needs 2 alternates appointed in case there is a conflict with a board member at Board of Review.  Chairman Younglove asked for volunteers.  Jeff Mueller and Ken Hanson volunteered to be alternates if needed. 

Planning Commission needed an additional member.  Chairman Younglove found Lindi Magnuson from Beecher Lake who is willing to be part of the commission.  Chairman Younglove would also like Supervisor Paulsen to be part of the commission and would like to appoint him as chair.  Motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Chairman Younglove to appoint Lindi Magnuson and Dave Paulsen to the Planning Commission and appointing Supervisor Paulsen to chair the commission.  Motion carried. 

Insurance quote for the town package came in at $10,962 with the premium for Worker’s Compensation at $3202.  Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy to accept the package as presented.  Motion carried. 

Scott Construction bids for Smeester School Road from Trout Haven to Town Corner, single chip seal coat for $24,800; Town Corner from Old 38 west .20 mile asphaltic cold mix overlay for $15,800; Town Corner from bridge to Smeester School, wedging bad areas and asphaltic cold mix overlay for $14,700; Marek Road from County Z to N16898, wedging bad areas and asphaltic cold mix overlay at $14,200; Smeester School Road from Trout Haven to Town Corner, wedging bad areas and asphaltic cold mix overlay at $8,800,  Motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen to accept these bids as given.  Motion carried. 

Storage/Shipping Container Ordinance would limit parcels to one unit per parcel, must be placed at the rear of the parcel a minimum of 25 feet from any lot line, must have a separate living structure and must have a permit from the ordinance administrator.  Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy to approve the ordinance.  Chapter 14, No. 07-13-21 Motion carried.  Copy will be posted on the website.    

Amendment of Boards and Commissions changing the planning commission from 7 members to 5 members as we have trouble finding enough people to fill the positions.  Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy to adopt this amendment.  Motion carried. 

Approval of Joint Resolution to build a salt shed on property owned by Town of Pembine.  The Town of Beecher’s cost of the building and roof would be $41,220.  There is no floor bid at this time.  Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy to approve this resolution.  Motion carried. 

Discussion of ongoing road improvement projects show that the road crew is cutting grass along the edges of roads and waiting on rain to begin grading.  The injectors on the grader were replaced as they were bad. 

Correspondence was a fire department financial statement. 

Chairman Younglove made a motion that the town pay bills in the amount of $36,370.71 which was seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Public comments were a question as to what age a dog needs to be to get licensed which the clerk would have to check but believes is 6 months; a question as to if anyone heard if the storage containers are secure or if anyone had heard of someone breaking into them.  Chairman Younglove said that part of the ordinance is that they are to be kept locked when not in use.  Also a comment that the road crew used the pay loader to do some grading on Schultz Lane and the resident thought it did a better job that the regular grader.

Next meeting will be August 10, 2021 at 6 p.m.  Motion by Supervisor Groy to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.