The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of allegiance was recited. All board members were present along with 11 residents.
Motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen to adopt the agenda as given. Motion passed.
Minutes of the 9/14/21 meeting were read. Motion to accept the minutes as read by Supervisor Paulsen, seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report given. Motion to accept the report as given by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
No recycling report as any info came in from Waste Management.
In the month of September there was 1 building permit on Bigwoods Lane for a 16x12 addition and 3 razing permits for Crowe Road, Chitko Ln and Dam Road.
Tax Collection Proposal from the county treasurer reviewed. Motion by Supervisor Paulsen, seconded by Supervisor Groy to accept the proposal. Motion carried.
Planning Committee stipend discussed. There are monies budgeted. Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy to pay out $20 per meeting retroactive to the committee’s first meeting. Motion carried.
Safety Issues on Town Corner Lake Road – Jasen Brown wanted to have the speed limit lowered to 25 or 35 miles per hours. There are especially problems over the weekend with traffic. Chairman Younglove researched and the town has no authority to go down more than 10 mph unless a traffic study is done. The board will review.
Variance – David Halverson wishes to build a container home on property he owns on Miscauno Island. The home would be 4 containers and the town has a ordinance of only one container per parcel and that they are not to be for habitation. There were five persons (Gary Seymour, Mark Harttert, John Schoenwalder, Terri Halverson and Laurie Schoenwalder) at the meeting that commented and three emails received that were given to the board for their review. When called for a motion on the variance there was no motion given to approve the variance regarding the containers. Chairman Younglove did make a motion to allow the Halvorsons to build on less than 2 acres, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen which passed.
Discussion of ongoing road improvement projects are that there has been grading of roads, one of the trucks needs repair which is still to be done and the crew will be mixing salt/sand this week. Chairman Younglove also mentioned that the problem on Town Corner Lake Road will be temporarily fixed by the town and next spring it will be addressed by the contractor.
Correspondence was an email from the county regarding redistricting (Beecher remains one ward), we received a financial statement from the fire department and a proposed budget for 2022 and we also received the proposal from the rescue squad which went from $19,000 to $22,000 for 2022.
Public comments included Bob Brandt passing on info about a bill at the state that towns will be able to post speed limits for ATVs and Jeff Mueller stated that perhaps the town is telling people what type of building materials they can use on variance.
Motion by Chairman Younglove to approve bills in the amount of $105,872.49, seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be November 9th at 6:00 p.m. Motion by Supervisor Groy to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.