The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of allegiance was recited. All board members were present along with 6 residents and our zoning administrator.
Motion by Supervisor Paulsen, seconded by Supervisor Groy to adopt the agenda as given. Motion passed.
Minutes of the 10/12/21 meeting were read. Motion to accept the minutes as read by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report given. Motion to accept the report as given by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Recycling report showed that in September we had 18.39 tons of garbage and 2.86 tons of recyclables. In October there were 19.06 tons of garbage and 2.86 tons of recyclables.
In the month of October there were 5 building permits: on Greenstone for a 30x54 pole building; on Smeester for 4 shipping containers that were in place before the ordinance was passed but no habitation; on Smeester for a 16x72 manufactured home on slab and a 12x20 garage; on Waterman for an 80x60 outbuilding and one County L 10x24 addition. There was also a razing permit for County L. There were no fire signs.
Bob Grandaw gave a zoning report. He has issued about 140 permits over the 3 towns; he has been working on various issues and he stated that if anyone has a complaint to let him or the board know and he will follow up on it. He also stated he appreciated Val’s work which has made his job a lot easier.
Chairman Younglove went over the building code ordinance changes which were all addressed on the first page of Chapter 14. They include the 600 square foot minimum first floor for habitation, 2 acre minimum and foundations being constructed of all weather material. Motion by Chairman Younglove to adopt the changes, seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Rescue squad contract was reviewed. Cover letter was read by the clerk and the contract included a $3000 increase over last year’s contract. Motion by Chairman Younglove to approve the contract, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Discussion of waste pickup contract by Chairman Younglove. Waste Management sent a letter suspending the current contract as of December 31st. They will be going to an automatic system truck so that the driver will not have to get out of the vehicle. We are still waiting on a new contract with them to review. Chairman Younglove has also been talking with Great American Disposal. They give us a quote but the company recently was sold and the new owners need to review a contract before they can send us one for our review. We are asking for larger garbage containers, 96 gallon, and 65 gallon recyclable carts. We are hoping to get something this week to look at. The cost of disposal will be going up no matter which company we go with.
Resolution to spend a portion of ARPA funds of $7000; $2000 to the fire department, $2000 to the rescue squad, $500 to the election workers and $2500 to the road crew for working during the pandemic was put into a motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Supervisor Paulsen gave an update from Beecher Lake District’s annual meeting. They have some concerns about the bathroom at the park being locked up and not usable, people urinating at the boat landing and railings on the dam becoming rotted. It was decided to go back to the district and see what they can come up with for operation of the bathroom at the park to keep it usable. The town will make sure that the building is in good working order.
Discussion of the 2022 budget recommendation by the board. There will be a public budget meeting on Tuesday, November 16th at 5:00 p.m. The board is recommending a levy increase of $25,000 for additional road work this year.
The board reviewed the Town Corner Lake situation and a resolution to reduce the speed limit to 45 mph from Hwy 141 to the end of the town line. Motion to pass this resolution by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried. The speed limit will take effect as soon as signs are posted.
Discussion of ongoing road improvement projects showed that we are still waiting for a sensor for the new truck and the crew has been out brushing. Our part time worker is trying to find a place to take his CDL driver test. The DOT does not do these anymore.
Correspondence was the permit for Beecher Lake, a priority project survey from Bay Lake and a special from the Daily News.
Public comments were Joe Stern stating that the people at Beecher Lake Park were mostly non residents, there are 3 dead trees in the park that need attention and he asked why the mowing only got done once. The town addressed the mowing issue by purchasing a trailer to tow the mower over there vs. driving it down the road. They will address the trees. As for the dumping at the bathroom in the park, another resident stated that people with campers can dump at Evergreen Park in Wausaukee for $5. Joe Stern also has a concern about dead trees along the road past Smeester School Road. As that is county land the county will have to be notified.
Chairman Younglove make a motion to approve payment of bills in the amount of $20,032.94, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be December 14th at 6:00 p.m. Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at